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Did you know the colors you wear, affects your mood, we do! That’s why we introduce the rainbow collection full of colors you'll ever need, which one is your favorite? Read all about it in this blog post.

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Tom Jordan

Did you know the colors you wear, affects your mood, we do! That’s why we introduce the rainbow collection full of colors you'll ever need, which one is your favorite? Read all about it in this blog post.
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Tom Jordan

It’s a bird, it’s an airplane, it’s a surf manic, no matter how strong is the wind or how big are the waves, these are the top 3 surfboards you should have in you garage!
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Tom Jordan

Long sleeves, short sleeves, no sleeves we have them all. To make sure you always wear what you feel like these are the top 10 cuts, top 10 colors, top 10 prints you should have in your wardrobe.
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Tom Jordan

After a long week there is nothing better than comfy pair of pants and your favorite top. Read about the perfect casual friday combination.